Static Automatic Bus Transfer SABT

Static Automatic Bus Transfer (SABT) Systems are designed to transfer the alternating current supply (AC), between independent single-phase, or three-phase AC power sources. SABTs provide an automatic switching between AC sources, to ensure power to critical loads connected to their output.

The basic applications of SABT are automatic systems for the energy industry, power supply systems for communication centers, computer and telecommunications centers, operating rooms, intensive care units (ICU), security systems, as well as other equipment that is highly sensitive to supply interruptions.

Its high overload capacity and fuses connected in series with the SCRs allow a fast and safe bus transfer. The system incorporates overvoltage suppressors to prevent the SCR devices damage.

The SABT unit is fitted with switches that allow selecting the operating mode: MANUAL or AUTO. The manual by-pass allows the unit maintenance without interrupting the power supply of the loads.

Main characteristics of the Static Systems of Automatic Transfer of Bars (SABT):
­    Nominal power 10 kW, 20 kW, 50 kW, 100 kW, 300 kW (consult others).
­    Static transfer switch.
­    Compact and robust design.
­    Ruggedized cabinet (optional MIL-DTL-901E compliance).
­    Wall mounting (for 10 kVA / 20 kVA equipment).
­    Forced cooling.
­    Maximum operating temperature 45 ° C.
­    Very high MTBF.
­    Three-phase network (400/690 V) / 3 poles, Single-phase network (110/230 V) 2 poles.
­    Permanent voltage monitoring.
­    Overload monitoring (optional).
­    Selection of manual and / or automatic transfer.
­    Selecting the preferred source (# 1, # 2 or NONE)
­    Front LED display.
­    Built-in transfer test and lamp test.
­    Voltage-free contact digital alarms.

Optional features:
­    Magneto-thermal input and / or output switches.
­    Output voltmeter.
­    Insulation meter.
­    MODBUS PROFIBUS, ETHERNET TCP / IP communication.

The SUPSONIK, S.L. Technical Office department, in close collaboration with the Client, performs all the necessary analysis, so that the characteristics of these equipment satisfy all the demanded requirements, and are adapted to the specific needs of the Client.

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